Robert Mustillo, MD on Isokinetic Strength Testing: “By incorporating strength testing into pre-employment physicals, we are helping employers hire the most qualified individuals for their physically demanding positions. In other words, we are providing employers with those candidates who have met the strength requirements for the position as well as those who show no evidence of a pre-existing condition. Return-on-investment figures range from $7.00 to $30.00 of savings for each $1.00 invested in testing.”
Isokinetic strength testing is a system that numerically defines the strength requirement of each job in a single number: the Standard Index Score.
The job candidate undergoes a series of safe, isokinetic tests of major muscle groups resulting in 32 separate measurements.
A statistical formula based on a unique database enable staff technicians to formulate the various test results into one number.
The result? ... An objective rating that reflects the strength capability of the worker in the context of the strength requirement of the job.
Final results are returned quickly, within 24 hours, if necessary, and integrated into the hiring process. Now the hiring process includes strength testing technology, leading to a reduction in:
- Injuries
- Turnover
- Lost workdays
- Direct and Indirect Worker's Compensation costs
In fact, the cost of implementing isokinetic testing is more than recouped by reduced turnover and injuries alone!
To learn how to implement this cost-effective, ADA compliant tool into your hiring process, contact:
Jill Busanic
Marketing Director
Ironbound Medical Services